The motion tracking in VR is a really crucial and ,ain part of VR system. In this post, we will explain Complete Motion tracking in VR.

Motion Tracking In VR-How does motion tracking works in VR-

What is motion tracking in VR

Headphone tracking is one of the biggest advantages premium headsets have over Cardboard other VR headset headsets. But the big VR players are still working to track the movement. If you look down with a VR headset on the first thing you want to do is see your hands in a visible place.

For some time, we have seen the Leap Motion accessory - which uses an infrared sensor to track hand movements - is attached to the front of the Oculus dev kits. We also tried a few experiments with Kinect 2 cameras that track our flammable bodies. But now we have some exciting installation options from Sony and Ocule.

Oculus Touch is a collection of wireless controls designed to make you feel like you are using your hands in VR. Hold each controller and use buttons, thumbs and triggers during VR games. So, for example, shooting a shotgun in a handgun. There is also a sensor matrix in each controller to detect touch such as pointing and tapping.

Exactly set up with Valve's Lighthouse positional tracking system and HTC controllers with its Vive headset. It includes two basic channels around the room that sweeps the area with lasers. These can detect the position of your head and both hands based on the time when they hit each photocell sensor on both headsets and around each portable controller. Like Oculus Touch, this also includes body buttons and surprisingly you can have two Lighthouse programs in the same location to track multiple users.Other input methods can include anything from connecting the Xbox controller or joystick to your PC, voice controls, smart gloves and treadmills such as Virtuix Omni, allowing you to simulate walking around the VR space with smart game controls.

And when it comes to tracking your physical condition inside the room, Oculus now offers the experience to match the HTC Vive, which it did not do at the door. Rift owners now have the option to purchase a third sensor for $ 79 and add more coverage to their VR playground.

Sonys are also hunting in this area, if the latest patent surpasses anything. Details for completing a VR tracking system based on lighting and mirrors using a boram projector to determine player status, whether such a feature may appear on the current device or the second iteration of the PSVR (or not) are all considered in this section.

The problem, however, is that this is still not compatible with HTC. While the HTC Vive's two SteamVR sensors can bring up a 225 square foot play area, two Constellation sensor cameras from Oculus offer only 25 square meters, with a third camera sending the recommended space up to 64 square meters. That could change with Oculus Santa Cruz, the company’s hi-spec headal standalone.