The history of virtual reality (VR) is longer than you might think. VR is entering its second generation, which is expected to be more attractive to consumers and businesses compared to the previous generation. VR technology has made tremendous advances in the last five years, with advances in computer and software. However, issues such as latency, nausea, high prices, and underdeveloped environmental systems have been obstacles to gaining widespread discovery. VR companies are increasingly using AI technology and cloud technology to develop a robust environment, while the advent of 5G promises to address the challenges of delays and nausea.

Complete History of VR with timeline-

Founded in the 1950s, VR development has met with the platforms and mounts. The first head-to-head VR (HMD) program, Word of Damocles, was invented in 1968 by computer scientist Ivan Sutherland and his student Bob Sproull. Meanwhile, the term "real truth" was popularized by Jaron Lanier in the 1980's. Ten years later, VR was used for training and imitation in the US military and in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The mass production of VR programs began in the early 1990's, led by Virtuality, which opened up dedicated VR sites.

Contemporary VR services emerged with the launch of the PC-connected Oculus Rift PC in 2010. Between 2014 and 2017, the market evolved from PC headsets (e.g. HTC Vive) to strengthen used headsets (eg Sony's PSVR) and mobile-connected headsets (e.g. Samsung GearVR and Google Cardboard). Unidentified headsets (e.g. Oculus Go, Lenovo Mirage Solo, and HTC Vive Focus) have arrived in 2018, making VR an independent platform.

Major steps in the VR theme journey are set in the timeline below-

From Sensorama to Oculus Quest and beyond

1956 - Sensorama, considered one of the first VR programs, was developed.

1968 - The first IVR HMD, Word of Damocles, was created.

1977 - Advanced at MIT, the Aspen Movie Map empowers users to make a visual tour of Aspen, Colorado.

1984 - Jaron Lanier founded VPL Research, one of the first companies to develop and sell VR products.

1991 - The first VR arcade machine, Virtuality, is introduced.

1994 - Sega unveils its VR-1 theme in its SegaWorld moves.

2007 - Google launched Street View, which offers panoramic views of places.

2010 - The first model of the Oculus Rift headset was built.

2014 - Facebook acquires Oculus for $ 2bn.

2014 - Sony announces the launch of Project Morpheus, the VR headset of its PS4 console.

2015 - Apple granted a patent with a head-mounted display tool.

2015 - Google has introduced Cardboard, which uses a headphone jack to turn a smartphone into a VR device.

2015 - Samsung unveils Gear VR headset.

2015 - The HTC Vive headset, developed by HTC and Valve, was unveiled at the Mobile World Congress.

2016 - The first-generation Oculus Rift device has been released.

2016 - PlayStation VR (PSVR) launched by Sony.

2017 - Microsoft has launched the Xbox One X, its VR-compatible gaming console and headset.

2018 - Facebook has unveiled camera-loaded glasses designed for 'social VR'.

2018 - Facebook has released its anonymous Oculus Go headset.

2018 - Lenovo's Mirage Solo, the first headset using Google Daydream, was discovered.

2019 - Sony has announced it will sell more than four million PSVR headsets.

2021 - More than 85 million VR headsets will be used in China, according to PwC.

2023 - Cloud-based VR play will be more conspicuous, based on 5G networks.

2030 - VR will be a $ 28bn market, according to a GlobalData forecast.