AR is now starting to become a important role in our life, but How AR introduced and takes place, let's talk about it.

Brief history of AR-

AR in the 1960s. In 1968 Ivan Sutherland and Bob Sproull staged the first head-to-head show, calling it the Sword of Damocles. Clearly, it was a cruel tool that displayed ancient computer graphics.

AR in the 1970s. In 1975 Myron Krueger created Videoplace - a real artificial laboratory. The scientist was thinking of encountering digital objects through human movement. The concept was later used for specific projectors, video cameras, and on-screen silhouettes.

AR in the 1980s. In 1980 Steve Mann developed the first portable computer called EyeTap, designed to be worn in front of the eyes. It recorded the event had a positive effect on it later, and showed it all to the user who can play with it with a head move. In 1987 Douglas George and Robert Morris developed a type of head-up display (HUD). Displayed star data in the actual sky.

AR in the 1990s. The year 1990 marked the birth of the term "unpopularity of taxpayers we see". It first appeared in the work of Thomas Caudell and David Mizell - researchers at Boeing. In 1992 Louis Rosenberg of the US Air Force developed an AR program called "Virtual Fixtures". In 1999, a team of scientists led by Frank Delgado and Mike Abernathy explored new travel software, building roadways and roads from a helicopter video.

AR in the 2000s. In 2000 the Japanese scientist Hirokazu Kato produced and published the ARToolKit - an open SDK. Later adjusted to work with Adobe. In 2004 Trimble Navigation introduced an external AR system for wearing a helmet. In 2008 Wikitude developed the AR Travel Guide for Android mobile devices.

AR today. In 2013 Google beta tested Google Glass - via Bluetooth internet connection. In 2015 Microsoft introduced a whole new technology: Windows Holographic and HoloLens (AR mirrors with multiple sensors to display HD holographic). In 2016 Niantic launched the Pokemon Go game for mobile devices. The app hit the gaming industry and earned $ 2 million in just the first week.