Currently, VR is used by the military in all three major sectors - ground, air, and navy for air and military simulation games, medical training, automotive simulation, and virtual boot camps. While VR training remains the most effective and widely used method, politics has recently changed the reality of analyzing military movements and military positions.

Benifits of Virtual reality(VR) in military-

About 1 in 20 military deaths occur during training. Because of its ability to reverse these negative statistics and provide high security, the implementation of Virtual Reality in the military in training programs was enthusiastically welcomed.

Unlike the unpopular reality of taxpayers we see (AR), VR is not compatible with use on frontlines. However, its training capacity is high, as it can perfectly mimic the setting, environment and conditions for practical purposes. It is mainly used to enhance the military skills of soldiers without risking their lives. And it's cheaper than any real war drive.

VR military training by genres:

Water-based training - helps trainees navigate through all pressures of parachute jumps, fighter jets, submarines and tanks (claustrophobia);

Situation awareness - in the worst places (jungle, arctic, wilderness trek) roaming and teamwork are important.

With the advent of wireless and mobile VR systems, training became more realistic with the ability to travel free. Such standard boot fields often include:

A head-mounted display with a travel tracker

A special cargo vest with batteries and a wireless PC

Physical flow tracker;

Equivalent training weapons in size, weight, and position of actual military weapons

In addition, new technologies, the VR haptic feedback suit, are in the works as well. The next area to be used is medical training. Military medical teams must also be able to work quickly and efficiently in dangerous situations. VR format training can provide the necessary knowledge in combat situations.

VR characters-

Aircraft simulation assists aviation instructors in aviation, coordination and ground support, and general train skills under stressful conditions. Such VR simulators are often confined to systems with hydraulic, electronics, and force response in the driver's actions. The characters also provide a control panel exactly like the original aircraft.

Future combat system (FCS) - is an advanced form of VR simulation, widely used in low-rise cars, mud cars, honors or pedestrians, and even tanks or armored vehicles. The VR environment brings back a variety of weather conditions and trains to travel to unknown locations.

Unlike previous models, the use of VR navy simulators is focused on rebuilding the ship bridge, and then duplicating the locations. The main purpose of maritime simulation, navigation and ship management (NSST) is to provide soldiers in any capacity, and to train them to work in the most difficult situations.

VR treatment-

The average number of veterans who have lost their lives has reached 20 people every day. In many cases, these soldiers suffer from post-traumatic syndrome. Since 2005, the real truth has been used in the treatment of PTSD.

In the first phase, only two products were produced, Virtual Afghanistan and Iraq, but now much is available. With such use of VR, soldiers faced various battle scenes that once influenced their psyche. However, this is completely safe and is intended to overcome fear and treatment.

How helpful Virtual reality in military is?-

Providing the safety is one the main advantages of Virtual Reality in military training. Moreover, simulations can prepare for different dangerous scenarios on the battlefield in a controlled setting. Key benefits include:

Realistic scenarios. Recreating environments, identical to the real ones, but with  100% control.

Cost-effective. VR allows to cut down the cost of training, greatly due to unlikely “wear and tear” of HMDs and related equipment, as well as logistical issues. The replicas of weapons or vehicles also cost less than actual inventory.  

Measurement. Immediate feedback on each participant and his/her performance with details on every aspect. This helps to coordinate further training correcting personal strengths and weaknesses.

Better engagement. Due to the fact that most VR training is game-like, soldiers find them more enjoyable. Usually, it means a higher level of engagement and understanding.